What Kind of Games are we
Developing in Brain Shop?
We have five different game categories at Brain Shop! The games target the five prominent skills of the brain. Together with kids, for the kids!
We have five different game categories at Brain Shop! The games target the five prominent skills of the brain. Together with kids, for the kids!
Montessori education is based on the characteristics and individual skills of children...
Multiple Intelligence Theory has been created by Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard University...
Neuro education, based on neuroscience, focuses on the relation between the learning process and the brain…
“Starting to make small decisions that prioritize all types of games are a task that falls on us all as researchers, psychologists, educators and parents.”
DAVID WHİTEBREADOur aim is to introduce parents to hands-on games that will interact with their children and encourage them to play with them!
At Brain Shop Game R&D Lab., the games are only the beginning. We know playing and games are gateways to new unknown worlds. Expose your kids to new perspectives, places, experiences and ideas, and let their curiosity ignite.